
国人外挂再遭吐槽 剑灵何时真正严打?


  我觉得我的服务器上的外挂比其他的服务器要多。有一些地方机器人有三十多个,在 10x+服务器上数量更是翻倍。B&S里面外挂就是这么多。你们觉得这些外挂和传送黑客入侵怎么样?我六个月前上传了一个视频,希望这个情况能够得到改善,但是很遗憾没有。每场游戏我都受到外挂的围攻。



  I think there are more bots on my server than players. This is just one of the few areas where bots are multiply this by 30+ areas. Then multiply it again by the 10x+ servers, then that's how much bots there are in B&S. What do you guys think of these bots and teleport hack? I posted a video of them 6 months ago in hoping that there would be some progress but seems like none. Then again every game eventually suffers from the wrath of bots.

  I guess, they are making a lot of money off bots or the bots are using a "fake PC Cafe" IP to play for free. Ever since the game went into 2.0 and everything is 10x more expensive, I have seen a lot more bots around. They are implementing dungeon finder soon but I'd rather see them ban bots and merge servers. Oh and they are all Destroyers lol

上一篇:白青山脉雪玉宫副本视频 雪玉公主登场 下一篇:剑灵拳师PK教学 1500拳师15秒速杀敌人
